It takes two to DiGO!

Time of denial is over and looking away won’t help. Our society is digitizing full throttle. The demand for future-proof alternatives to outdated principles is growing rapidly. DiGO brings you easily accessible social innovation by adding the necessary bits & bytes to traditional authorizing procedures.

It takes two to DiGO! It takes two to DiGO! It takes two to DiGO! It takes two to DiGO!
Your personal digital handshake.

Your personal digital handshake.

What, where, when & who? Legislation tells us a verbal agreement is binding. Without any witnesses it’s close to worthless though. A gentleman’s agreement might sound cool but does not add any value when times get rough. Acts that used to be confirmed on paper are subject to digital alternatives. DiGO endorses trust through an integrated proof of commitment.

Check-in easy peasy

easy peasy.

Making use of common, underwater technology your devices will tell our dedicated and fully secured servers where on our beautiful globe you exactly are. At the press of a button intuitive GPS matchmaking and mutual confirmations of the geo location will be recorded.

Connect as
you go.

This is where the real magic happens getting connected in just one single click. State of the art technology will setup a vice versa connection between you & your DiGO fellow(s) to push and receive all relevant details of your DiGO session.

Connect as you go.
Deliver your performance.

Deliver your

Log all details of your score, performance or delivery and
valuate & validate what your DiGO session is about. From a simple reciprocal confirmation to crucial validation and all options in between, DiGO will cover your back.


Confirm the performance(s) with your preset personal identifier. DiGO is more then ready to understand and accept all biometric and traditional unique keys. Should 'body odor identification' become reality DiGO will learn how to smell ;-).

Identify yourself.
Share as you like.

Share as
you like.

The end result of each DiGO procedure is a fully traceable unique code to be shared with the interested authority. DiGO is fully compatible with all major back-ends. Social network sharing at own honor and conscience…
Blockchain-ready? A no-brainer nowadays!

Are you ready
to DiGO?

We keep you posted.

Once in a while DiGO will update our fans, followers & users on relevant topics. Please share your details below to stay well informed and ahead of the game.